What is naloxone?

Naloxone is a medication designed to rapidly reverse opioid overdose. It can very quickly restore normal respiration to a person whose breathing has slowed or stopped because of an overdose.

Where can I get naloxone?

1. Any pharmacist in Oregon can prescribe naloxone to you.

You can ask for Narcan nasal spray, or for vials of naloxone that can be used with a needle for intramuscular injection or for an auto-injector which is like an “epi-pen” The cost varies with the type of naloxone you buy and your insurance coverage. Ask your pharmacist to help you decide which form of naloxone is best for you and how much it will cost. If you are uncomfortable using the word naloxone, write it down and hand it to the pharmacist and ask them to respect your privacy.

2. Anyone who can prescribe medication can send a naloxone prescription to your pharmacy.

Naloxone is not a controlled substance. Anyone licensed to prescribe medications, including a pharmacist, can prescribe it to you. Out of pocket costs depend on insurance or being uninsured. If you are uninsured, contact Max’s Mission if you live in Jackson County. You do not need to disclose who you are getting naloxone for.

3. Free naloxone is available at meetings of Max’s Mission and to members of Medicaid plans.

Max’s Mission is a non profit organization started by Julia and David Pinsky after the fatal heroin overdose death of their son Max. Max’s Mission offers free overdose education and naloxone distribution at regularly scheduled events in Jackson and Josephine Counties where free naloxone is given out to people who use opioids, prescription or illicit, their friends, family and community so they are better equipped to help the people they care about.

Naloxone Training Videos from Oregon Health Authority

Who is at risk of overdosing

  • People using heroin or misusing other opioids
  • People on high doses of opioid pills
  • People mixing opioids with sedatives such as Xanax or Klonopin
  • People who have previously overdosed
  • People with underlying respiratory problems – sleep apnea and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
  • People whose tolerance is much lower because they didn’t use for a period of time, for example because they were in treatment or in jail.


Video by the New York City Department of Health

A community health worker demonstrates the proper use of naloxone (Narcan) to stop overdoses from heroin or other opioids. Also, hear from people whose lives were saved.